How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

This operation is very quick and easy, this is how to do this on the GitHub web interface.

1) Open your forked GIT repository.

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

2) Click on "compare".

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

3) You will get the message :

There isn't anything to compare.
{The source repository} is up to date with all cxommits from {your forked repository}. Try switching the base for your comparison.
How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

4) Click on the link "switching the base".

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

If the link "switching the base" isn't here, switch the bases yourself by using the two dropdownlists and set them up so that your fork is on the left and the original is on the right.

5) Click on the button "Create a pull request" to display the form.

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

6) Type the title and the comment you want for your pull request.

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

7) Click on the button "Create a pull request" to open a new pull request.

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

8) Your pull request is now opened, this is almost done.

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

9) Scroll at the bottom of your pull request who list all the changes, and click on the button "Merge pull request".

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

10) Click on the button "Confirm merge" to merge the changes on your forked repository.

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub

11) And it's done! Your forked repository is now up to date !

How to update a forked repository from the web UI on GitHub
February 27, 2018
  • GitHub